At Brunswick Surgery Center, it’s our goal to deliver an excellent surgical outcome, as well as a very positive experience.
As you prepare for surgery, please take note of the following instructions and guidelines, as well as those you receive from your surgeon. These are in place for your safety, and to help things go smoothly. If you have questions or concerns, please call us at (910) 660-4600 to prevent your surgery from having to be rescheduled.
Here is an easy step-by-step guide:
Step 1: Pre-Registration
You’ll need to complete some admissions paperwork. To reduce the risk of post op infections you will be given surgical soap just before your procedure.
Please bring a copy of your insurance card, as well as a photo ID card with your current address.
Step 2: Health History
It’s important that our staff is aware of your health history, including current medications, recent infections and ongoing conditions. Be sure to speak with your doctor about which medications you may take and which medications you should avoid before and after surgery.
Please make us aware of any allergies to medications, metals, latex and food.
Please notify the surgeon’s office if you have any open wounds, infection, toothache, cold, flu or other illnesses prior to surgery.
Step 3: Your Pre-Surgery Care
- Arrange for Driver
You will need to have someone who is at least 18 years old available to drive you home from the procedure. Your driver must be at Brunswick Surgery Center when you check-in and stay the entire time.
- Arrange for Help After Surgery
Someone must stay with you for 24 hours after surgery. We recommend this person be someone you are comfortable with receiving your discharge instructions in order to help you care for your surgical site. As part of registration, we will confirm that you have both of these in place.
- Food and Drink Restrictions
Do not eat, drink, chew gum, or have hard candy after midnight on the day of your surgery unless you are told otherwise during your pre-admission visit/call. It is very important you follow these guidelines for your safety and to prevent having to reschedule your procedure. Your medications will be reviewed with you during your pre-admission testing visit/call specifying which medications you should and should not take the morning of your surgery.
- Bathing and Dressing
Cleanliness helps safeguard against infection, so please bathe the night before AND the morning of your surgery using the surgical soap. Wash your hair the morning of surgery. Do not shave near the area where you will have surgery, and do not use any deodorant, lotion, powder, makeup, nail polish, or denture adhesives.
Dress in comfortable, loose-fitting clothing that will make it easy to dress after the procedure. Do not wear jewelry (including body piercings) or metal hair accessories.
- Arrive Early
You will be notified by the Brunswick Surgery Center scheduler of your surgery time. Please bring a copy of your insurance card, as well as a photo ID card with your current address and method of payment.
Please leave valuables (such as purse, wallet, cell phones) at home or with friends or family members in the waiting area. Bring a container to keep eyeglasses, contact lenses, hearing aids, or dentures safe during your procedure.
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